2017 Starts with a BANG!

Happy New Year
Do you believe in New Year’s Resolutions?  I don’t but I do believe in setting goals and I have some pretty big ones for 2017.  You will be able to see them as the year moves along and I invite you to come along for the ride.
Before I share a couple of my big goals, I would like you to consider adopting the Young Living Healthy Lifestyle as one of your goals for 2017.  If you choose to do so or at least consider it, the events my team has planned to kickoff the year in January will be helpful and FUN!  See the events section for details (Jan 15, 21, & Feb 12).
The goals I have set for myself cover multiple parts of my life and here are two important business goals that YOU play a major role in.

  1. Improve Communication and Follow-up – it should be easy to keep in touch but it is actually a lot of work.  Those of you that have indicated an interest in Health Odyssey/Young Living products and Health Odyssey Services by providing their contact information will immediately see the effects of this goal.  The challenge is to keep it going all year and beyond.  We all get busy so I encourage you to reach out to me anytime you have a question or something I might be able to help with.  I don’t care what time of the day or night it is.  If I’m not available, I will get back to you.
  1. Expand my Services Toolbox – This year I am adding fundamental Pranic Healing and Life Alignment techniques to my toolbox.  These are welcome additions to Classic Raindrop, Spiritual Health Coaching, and Raindrop Harmonics that include  Young Living Essential Oils, tuning forks, color therapy, healing crystals, sound therapy, or a combination.  Contact me for an appointment if you would like to experience any of these holistic modalities for yourself and use them to support your healthy lifestyle.

Like you, I have other goals for the year.  Some of them are also major.  The challenge is to keep them in front of me and work on them a little throughout the year to achieve great progress by year-end.  Thank you for your interest in Young Living and holistic health.  I’ll be seeing you throughout 2017.
Happy New Year!
from Pamela at Health Odyssey