5 ways to incorporate RutaVaLa essential oil blend

Girl meditating with Young Living RutaVala essential oil blend

You know, and surely love, Valerian and Lavender essential oils for their serene and calming scents. But wait—have you tried our RutaVaLa essential oil blend? This comforting combination of Rue, Valerian, and Lavender oils combines the best features of your favorite oils into one bottle. Learn why we always have this oil on-hand—and why you’ll want it too—by checking out these easy-to-use tips.

1. The mingling of Valerian, Lavender, and Rue oils makes the RutaVaLa blend a go-to for any nighttime routine. As you dim the lights and create a peaceful environment before bedtime, diffuse a few drops of RutaVaLa.

YL tip: Snag the RutaVaLa Roll-On for a prediluted way to enjoy this tranquil aroma.


2. Busy day ahead? Apply a few drops of RutaVaLa (or a couple swipes from the roll-on) to your hands or wrists and inhale deeply as you have a mini-meditation and repeat reassuring affirmations.

YL tip: Keep the roll-on in your purse or backpack for whenever you need a quick reset on the go.

Young Living RutaVala Essential Oil roll-on

3. Make RutaVaLa your new morning must-have. Create a calm daybreak environment while diffusing during breakfast. Then swipe on your kids’ wrists as you send them off to school to set the pace for a bright day ahead.

Young Living RutaVala essential oil blend

4. Have a long, crowded commute? Play your favorite encouraging tunes and take a whiff of RutaVaLa to keep your travels as tranquil as can be. Go the extra mile and put a few drops into your Car Vent Diffuser before you hit the road.


5. Dilute a drop of this blend with a carrier oil like V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex to create a calming foot massage the whole family will want to try. Rub RutaVaLa into your soles before bed to wind down at the end of a hectic day.

Need more serenity in your day-to-day? Check out these posts on Peace & Calming® blend and German Chamomile essential oil.

Which RutaVaLa tip are you going to try first?

Let us know in the comments.

The post 5 ways to incorporate RutaVaLa essential oil blend appeared first on Young Living Blog.