Let’s get physical: 5 YL products for your fitness resolutions

Have you caught the spirit of the new year? We love this time of year and the new dreams, goals, and possibilities it brings. If you’re like most people who make new year’s resolutions, you probably jotted down one—or two or three—fitness goals for 2018. That’s why we filled January’s …

5 tips and essential oils to help the procrastinator

Want to learn how to not procrastinate? The best place to start is by trying something new! Personalize these tips and hacks so they work for your lifestyle; you’ll become more productive, and you’ll be able to set goals and accomplish them. Check out our tips for beating some of …

8 Helichrysum Oil Benefits and Facts

We love Helichrysum; it’s in some of our favorite blends such as Deep Relief™, but it’s also fabulous on its own. A little bit earthy, a little bit herby, its invigorating aroma can chase away the sluggish energy in a room. And that’s just the start of the dozens of …

The manly man’s guide to essential oils (manly edition)

Welcome, gentlemen, this one’s just for you. Ladies, since you’re already here, you can check it out, too. Incorporating essential oils into your life isn’t just easy—it can also put a manly spring in your step. Pretty soon, you’ll be chopping down trees with your bare fists and wrestling bears …