Power up: Essential oil blends to go after your dreams

What’s your go-to trick for when you need a little extra empowerment? Ours include dressing in our signature color, swiping on a bold lip color, and jamming out to a pump-up song. Most importantly, we always diffuse essential oil blends with aromas that get us in the mindset of living …

9 life-changing benefits of Tangerine essential oil

Mmmmm, citrus essential oils—we know you’re swooning for them! Pop open a bottle and take in the sweet, nose-crinkling, mouthwatering, tangy scent. It’s no secret that Lemon, Lime, and Orange get the limelight in the citrus category. But here’s a secret you need to be in on—there’s a cutie in …

40 ways citrus oils can brighten your day

When you’re searching for a fresh, invigorating, palpably sweet yet clean scent, which essential oil do you reach for? The citrus oils, of course! But how do you choose between Young Living’s eight bright oils? On the surface, they appear similar—all are cold-pressed from citrus rinds and have versatile uses—but …

7 ways Blue Cypress essential oil will change your EO collection

If essential oils were personality types, Lemon would be the sassy best friend, Stress Away the unruffled therapist, and Thieves® the herbalist down the street armed with cough drops and cleaning aids. Once you take a breath of Blue Cypress, it won’t take long to figure out its role in …

Quiz: How well do you know your essential oils?

With each essential oil you use, you step ever closer to expert-level status. You start to learn more than the oil’s aroma and multitude of uses—you gain an in-depth knowledge of everything that contributes to its complex personality. So how well do you know Young Living’s oils and blends? Take …