Quiz: Which essential oil will add sunshine to your day?

Sunny skies and warm temps may have you wishing you could bottle sunshine to have year-round. While you may not be able to put sunshine in a bottle we got pretty close with essential oils that are sure to brighten your day. Take this essential oil quiz to find out …

Quiz: Which essential oil roll-on do you need?

With all of the different essential oil blends we offer, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. Roll-on oil blends are easy to use on the go and part of a natural toolkit to build a wonderful day. Take this quiz to find out which …

Quiz: Which essential oil blend matches your personality?

Are you a peacemaker or do you stir the pot? Is your middle name “adventure,” or is routine the name of the game? Do you have to be the best or just good enough to get by? Whoever you are, find out which essential oil blend best matches your personality …

Quiz: Earth, air, fire, or water? Which element are you?

Dig deeper into your personality and discover your element! Plus, find a diffuser blend at the end to match! Discovered your diffuser blend—check! Now find which oil and Vitality oil you need in your life on the blog! Which element are you? Share your diffuser blend in the comments! The …

Quiz: How well do you know your essential oils?

With each essential oil you use, you step ever closer to expert-level status. You start to learn more than the oil’s aroma and multitude of uses—you gain an in-depth knowledge of everything that contributes to its complex personality. So how well do you know Young Living’s oils and blends? Take …

Quiz: Find your essential oil soul mate

Antony and Cleopatra, Kermit and Miss Piggy, peanut butter and chocolate—when two soul mates find each other, history remembers. Think of your ideal match while you take our quiz below. We’ll help you find an essential oil love that will last for all time! We’re quiz obsessed! Want more? Find …

Quiz: What diffuser blend do you need right now?

In the mood for something new? Sometimes you’re looking for a different diffuser blend, but you just don’t know what to try. Take our quiz to find the blend that perfectly matches your mood—or sets the mood you want to create! Whether you’re checking things off your to-do list or …

The Essential Oil Botanical Quiz

How well do you know your essential oil botanicals? Bergamot might be your favorite essential oil, but did you know it comes from a citrus fruit that looks like a cross between a lime and an orange? How about that Copaiba essential oil comes from the gum resin of the …

Decision 2016: Essential oil election

Would you rather be led by matter-of-fact Common Sense or peace-driven Harmony? Do you think we need a leader with foresight like Envision or the compassionate financier Abundance? Exercise your right to vote in our essential oil election by upvoting your favorite candidate! What other EOs would you nominate for …

Personality Quiz: What’s Your Spirit Oil?

Just like people, every Young Living essential oil is different! Some are spicy; some are sweet. Some are bright and others mellow. But which one is the best match for you? Take our personality quiz to discover your essential oil soul mate—we think you’re really going to like each other. …