Superb herbs! 28 uses for herbal essential oils

What’s bright, fresh, and green all over? You guessed it—herbs! We’ve taken those botanicals and turned them into herbal essential oils, so you can enjoy their benefits directly from the bottle. Many of the herbaceous oils on this list have been used throughout history, thanks to their refreshing scents and …

7 ways to find your happy place with Palmarosa

Pssst, we’re letting you in on a secret worth sharing. You can be in paradise anytime, anywhere with . . . Palmarosa essential oil. That’s right, transport to your happy place with this gem you’ll want to keep within palm’s reach! What does Palmarosa smell like? Imagine walking through a …

12 essential oils to go from newbie to pro

Whether you’ve been oil-obsessed for five minutes, five months, or five years, every drop of knowledge you gain about essential oils is as precious as the oil itself. You’ve already answered some important questions: How do I use essential oils? Do essential oils actually work? What essential oils are best …

Soak up relaxation: DIY Bath tea with essential oils

In our humble opinion, we’re experts on relaxation! We know how to keep our chill and stay mindful-we even know how to do so luxuriously. Today’s edition of hacks from your resident serenity specialists: DIY bath tea! Bath teas, a sure way to find a moment of calm while pampering …

Growing the Best Lavender Essential Oil: What Does It Take?

EDITOR’S NOTE: Since Gary Young’s passing, we have been taking stock of the tremendous contributions he made to the world by revisiting his presentations, such as this fascinating blog post series, originally published in 2011, that recounts Gary’s lavender-growing journey. This is Part II in the Lavender Supply series. Lavender …

Beat the Bedtime Blahs: 7 Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

How you end the day makes all the difference. Your evening routine can either set you up for a cheerful and fulfilling day or one full of frustration and exhaustion. Here are seven steps you can take to create a successful bedtime routine that will give you more restful nights …

French Lavender: In Great Distress

EDITOR’S NOTE: Since Gary Young’s passing, we have been taking stock of the tremendous contributions he made to the world by revisiting his presentations such as this fascinating fourteen-part blog post series that recounts Gary’s adventures with the worldwide lavender supply. Here’s Part I. This post was originally published in …

15 reasons Rosemary essential oil should be your new obsession

If you start singing, “parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme” whenever we mention rosemary, you should spend more time with Rosemary essential oil. Steam-distilled from the needle-like leaves of the Rosmarinus officinalis plant, Rosemary oil brings a fresh, woodsy aroma to everything it touches. But this hardworking herb is more than …

Legacy Gary Member Stories – Provence, France

Since Gary Young’s passing, we have put a lot of thought into how to continue the D. Gary Young blog. We wanted to foster a stalwart commitment to Gary’s legacy, so we asked members to think of a fond memory of their time working with him on projects, on travels, at one …