Improve your emotional wellness and live happier days

Let’s talk emotional wellness. On this blog, we talk a lot about physical health and wellness and how natural practices and products can help support you—all of which is important. But what about your inner you? How are you doing? When you take a moment to really sit with that …

Let it go: 6 simple ways to unwind with essential oils

Now more than ever, we’re recognizing the importance of self-care. Taking time out of your daily routine to listen to your thoughts and slow down may be just what you need to unwind. Letting go of the troubles of everyday life doesn’t require a beach vacation or a lavish day …

Hello, healthy habits: A guide to making them stick!

Imagine trying on a new pair of shoes. It’s uncomfortable at first, but the more you wear them, the better they feel. Sometimes they’ll even form to your foot and become your go-to accessory. Habits act the same way. Consistent, daily actions become the fabric of who we are. Forming …