15 ways to feel more powerful

Looking for a power boost? We all run low on confidence from time to time, but you can get motivated again and start seizing the day in just a few minutes. Whether you need to be at your best for a job interview, a big presentation, a first date, or …

Hygge the YL way: Your essential guide to cozy comfort

The Danish concept of hygge has taken the world by storm. Danes are consistently ranked as some of the happiest people on Earth*, and with the longstanding cultural practice of hygge, it’s not surprising! Before getting too far in our quest for cozy, comfortable happiness, let’s learn how to say …

Essential oils for homesickness

They say that home is where the heart is. Perhaps that’s why a feeling of loss is so apparent when you are far from the ones you love. Homesickness can be felt while traveling in an unfamiliar country, while at school in another state, and—maybe most intensely—when you can’t be …

7 essential oils happy people use

We all want to live our happiest life, but sometimes the daily hustle and bustle makes deep, lasting happiness seem like a faraway goal. But some simple, everyday practices can increase your joy. From healthy habits like adequate sleep and exercise to self-improvement techniques like meditation and goal setting, these …

8 reasons you should be using Vetiver

When it’s time to unwind after a long day, or if you need to buckle down for a project in a relaxing environment, look no further than Vetiver essential oil. Vetiver oil provides a sweet, woody aroma that can be applied topically or diffused to help create warm, welcoming spaces. …

5 of the best back-to-school tips for your elementary schooler

Ready to face the back-to-school battle? Between first-day outfits, school supplies, lunchbox prep, and after-school activities, you and your kids have plenty on your plates. And it doesn’t make it any easier when the kids don’t want to go to school. To make this back-to-school season the most fun and …

7 life lessons inspired by plants

A walk through the woods can do more than just get your heart rate up and fill your lungs with fresh air; it can actually teach you about how to live a happier, simpler, and more fulfilling life. In this blog post, we’re taking a look at seven lessons you …