Tips to help your dog weather winter

You spent the summer out in the sun, taking in the sights of a long mountain hike, diving into refreshing lake waters, and grilling burgers in the backyard while the kids played in the grass. There was one family member who was by your side through it all, and as …

“Spaw” day: The perfect spa day for your furry friends

We know that your furry friends mean the world to you. How do you show your pet you love them? We recommend putting a little extra effort into their care and pamper routine. Check out the tips below for an unbeatable “spaw” day! Spaw day for dogs Can you pamper …

Furry and bright: 5 holiday survival tips for your four-legged friends

While everyone adores the sparkling decor, scrumptious desserts, and enchanting traditions that the holidays bring, we can all agree that too much of a good thing can be overwhelming. When you’re feeling the stress of the season, your four-legged companions likely are too. Between holiday hosting and late-night wrapping, don’t …

Keep the dog but not the funk: 5 steps to get rid of dog smell

We. Love. Dogs. Period. End of story. Forever and ever! Their soft fur, their precious kisses, their tail wags, their musty smell. Well, maybe not that last one. It doesn’t matter if you prefer tiny little chihuahuas or massive St. Bernards, dog smells are not fun in any household. The …

10 biggest essential oil mistakes

From cleaning to cooking, sleeping to sports, essential oils have the power to improve whole-life wellness. The best way to access the benefits in those little amber bottles? Use essential oils correctly. Even the most experienced oil aficionado can use the occasional EO refresher. And while this list of 10 …

An essential oil user’s guide to aromatherapy

Have you ever smelled fresh-baked bread, caught a whiff of perfume as someone walked by, or sniffed the scent of fresh flowers and found yourself instantly transported to a different time or place? Scents are powerful—they can transport us to different places, remind us of people, and trigger memories long …

Essential Oils and Pets: A Quick How-To

You love to share essential oils with your family, so it makes sense that you want to share them with your pets as well! Before you begin using essential oils for pets, you need to know the answers to some important questions. Can you use essential oils on dogs, cats, …