Quiz: Which oil is calling your name this week?

Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and we’ll tell you which oil you need this week! Whether you’ll want the peppy aroma of Peppermint to brighten your week or you’ll sigh for the soothing scent of Lavender, take the quiz to find out which oil is calling your name. Quizzical …

Quiz: Tell us your bedtime routine for a sleepy time diffuser blend

When you think of sleep, essential oils like Lavender and Vetiver come to mind, right? But maybe the trick to your perfect night’s rest is something new! Try meditating with Frankincense, feeling taken care of with Jasmine, or drifting into dreamland with Copaiba. Whatever your pre-sleep routine, we’ve got a …

Quiz: Which essential oil blend matches your personality?

Are you a peacemaker or do you stir the pot? Is your middle name “adventure,” or is routine the name of the game? Do you have to be the best or just good enough to get by? Whoever you are, find out which essential oil blend best matches your personality …

Quiz: Earth, air, fire, or water? Which element are you?

Dig deeper into your personality and discover your element! Plus, find a diffuser blend at the end to match! Discovered your diffuser blend—check! Now find which oil and Vitality oil you need in your life on the blog! Which element are you? Share your diffuser blend in the comments! The …

Quiz: Get sorted into your Young Living house!

Are you bold, smart, hardworking, or ambitious? Do people tell you that you’re brave, gifted, loyal, or zealous? The traits you identify with most will determine your Young Living house! Your house is something like your family—so take the quiz, get the magic password, and find out where you belong. …

Quiz: Find your animal alter-ego (and the essential oil it needs)

Would you rather cruise the Caribbean, fly away to France, or gallivant to the Galapagos? Do you prefer to eat salads, surf and turf, or sushi? Answer these 9 questions about everything from how you handle stress to how you celebrate your birthday and we’ll introduce you to which animal …