How to switch to a toxin-free household: 35 simple swaps

Living a chemical-free lifestyle can sound like a massive undertaking, but luckily, Young Living is here to help you tackle the learning curve with simple products you can trust. From home cleaners, personal care items, kid-friendly favorites, and even products made for your furry friends, you can swap out the old …

The dirty truth about your household cleaners

Real talk: Most commercial cleaning products are full of super nasty, get-that-away-from-me ingredients. We know—it’s a total bummer! No stress though; just as we helped you kick your toxic makeup to the curb, we’ll walk you through why and how you can stop settling and start choosing home-cleaning superstars. Read …

6 shocking facts you should know about recycling

Your soda cans are crushed, your water bottles are reusable, and your bank statements are paperless. You’ve even found dozens of creative ways to reuse empty essential oil bottles. You deserve the highest of fives for zeroing in on ways to help us achieve our 5×5 Pledge goal of zero …

How to switch to a toxin-free household: 30 simple swaps

As you know, many commercial products are laden with toxins and nasty chemicals. Fortunately, you have safer alternatives when it comes to cleaners, personal care items, products for kids and pets, and even makeup. Wondering where to find items made from natural, plant-based ingredients? This list is a good place …

Make a Creepy, Crawly, Healthy Halloween Treat!

  Treat your Halloween guests to a tasty fruit creation: Spiderlicious! This simple and healthy treat is fun to make and is great for decoration or as a snack. Here’s how to get him ready for your spooky party!     Wooden kebab sticks 1 dark plum Black grapes or …

Food for all Seasons

Fresh fruits and vegetables are essential to healthy living. The colors, aromas, and tastes spice up any meal and enliven the senses. They’re also one of the best sources for the vitamins and minerals that the body needs every day. However, nobody likes mushy apples or bitter broccoli. Eating enough …