Everything nice: 19 ways to use spice essential oils

Everything nice, 19 ways to use spice essential oils

We’ve all heard it and we all know it’s true—variety is the spice of life. Live by this motto and explore our variety of six spice essential oils. From unabashed Black Pepper to sentimental Cinnamon Bark, get to know the spice essential oils and how you can use each one to keep things cozy at home!

Black Pepper essential oil

Also found in: NingXia Zyng® and Awaken™ essential oil blend
Fun fact: This bold aroma helps curb nicotine cravings.
What sets it apart: Black Pepper is spicy and strong, but a drop or two in a diffuser blend is your secret weapon for a sharp and spicy scent. Check out the next-level benefits of this powerful oil.

How to use Black Pepper essential oil

Black pepper essential oil

Cardamom essential oil

Also found in: AromaEase™ essential oil blend and KidScents® TummyGize™
Fun fact: This oil is related to the ginger family.
What sets it apart: Cardamom’s aroma has sweet, floral notes in addition to the spicy punch.

How to use Cardamom essential oil

  • Rub a few drops on your abdomen after a particularly decadent meal the enjoy the pleasant, spicy scent.
  • Place a few drops in a Car Vent Diffuser during long, bumpy rides.
  • Combine with Frankincense and Lavender to keep your home smelling spice as nice.

Cinnamon Bark essential oil

Also found in: All things Thieves®!
Fun fact: The naturally occurring constituent cinnamaldehyde gives this oil its familiar aroma.
What sets it apart: Cinnamon Bark has a cozy scent that likely brings to mind comforting memories.

How to use Cinnamon Bark essential oil

  •  Diffuse with Stress Away™ and Nutmeg for a warm, comforting scent perfect for a quiet night in.
  •  Combine with your favorite foot cream and rub into the bottoms of your feet. This combination is warming when applied topically, so remember to dilute properly!
  • This oil is a great addition to your favorite DIY cleaners for sweet-smelling cleaning products.
  • Want to try a sweeter cousin of Cinnamon Bark? Check out Cassia!
Cinnamon Bark essential oil

Clove essential oil

Also found in: ImmuPower™ and the entire Thieves collection
Fun fact: This oil is extracted from the steam-distilled clove flower bud and plant stem.
What sets it apart: The naturally occurring constituent eugenol is a key component of Clove.

How to use Clove essential oil

  • Infuse a warm bubble bath with a few drops of Clove and settle in for some quality “me” time.
  • Diffuse with other spicy oils on this list for an autumnal aroma year round.
  • Keep your pearly whites feeling nice with a few drops in Thieves dental hygiene products like mouthwash and toothpaste.

Ginger essential oil

Also found in: Abundance™ essential oil blend and DiGize® essential oil blend
Fun fact: This warm and fresh oil originated in India and China and is now in homes through the world.
What sets it apart: Ginger’s spicy scent is popular in perfumery because of the unique kick it gives to any aromatic experience.

How to use Ginger essential oil

  • Make this DIY exfoliating soap with the outrageously delightful aromas of Cinnamon Bark, Orange, and Ginger.
  • Diffuse with Ylang Ylang and Lime for an exotic, beachy smell.
  • Change up your post-workout cooldown with a Ginger-infused massage oil.
bottle of Ginger Essential Oil, a good essential oil for men

Nutmeg essential oil

Also found in: Super B™ and En-R-Gee™ essential oil blend
Fun fact: Nutmeg is not a nut! It comes from the fruit of an evergreen tree native to Indonesia.
What sets it apart: Nutmeg is full of powerful antioxidants and holds natural cleansing properties.

How to use Nutmeg essential oil

  • Refresh your home office with a blend of Nutmeg and Eucalyptus Radiata for a spicy-fresh scent.
  • Add to coconut oil, rub into the chest, and breathe deeply for a refreshing experience.
  • Make a homey linen spray by combining Nutmeg, Clove, and Bergamot.

Now that your spice essential oils have made everything nice, keep things interesting with other come-in-clutch collections like resin oils or herbal oils!

Which spice essential oil do you turn to most?

Tell us in the comments!

The post Everything nice: 19 ways to use spice essential oils appeared first on Young Living Blog.