Giving Thanks for Dreaming and Choice of Thoughts

After his accident Gary dreamed about walking again. Other dreams would follow: building farms and distilleries around the world, writing books (Gary is signing The One Gift), and teaching the God-given benefits of essential oils to millions.

After his accident Gary dreamed about walking again. Other dreams would follow: building farms and distilleries around the world, writing books (Gary is signing The One Gift), and teaching the God-given benefits of essential oils to millions.

Then I started to thank God for the gifts of dreaming and choosing my own thoughts. It took a long time for me to thank God for the accident that put me in the wheelchair in a paralyzed body riddled with pain, but now I do. I then started to thank God for the gift, and my dreams became real.

Then another phenomenal thing happened. For over two years, I dreamed every day about walking. My children would come home from school, and their mother would say, “Becky, Troy, go out to the mailbox and get the mail.”

And I would say to them, “Come on, kids, I’ll race you out to the mailbox.”

“Dad, you can’t race us; you can’t even walk.”

I said, “Well, just help me get my wheelchair down the ramp.”

I had only one hand that worked at that time, but I dreamed of doing it.