Gratitude challenge: 30 ways to invite gratitude into your life

Gratitude challenge: 30 ways to invite gratitude into your life - Young Living Lavender Life Blog

The days are getting darker, families are gathering close together, and we’re all becoming a little more aware of the goodness around us. Whether you’re taking in the warmth of the fire as frost collects on the window or watching your closest friends and family gather for a traditional sit-down meal, gratitude starts with being mindful. It’s about noticing how the little moments make up the big picture and appreciating the mundane as something that should be celebrated.

As the holiday season rolls in, give thanks and take in mindful moments with our 30-day gratitude calendar! Each day you’ll find a special activity that sparks feelings of appreciation, like spending extra time with your loved ones or diffusing your favorite oils. They may seem like little things, but as you check off the tasks each day, you’ll soon see a more fulfilling life begin to unfold.

How do you do the gratitude challenge?

It’s simple—do the task for each day of the month, starting with the first. It’s okay if you don’t begin on the first day of the month; just begin with the task that correlates with the day you are starting on or start from the beginning and go through each day until you complete the list.

How can gratitude improve your life?

Being grateful doesn’t only involve constantly saying “thank you” to those around you. As you serve others, create more mindful habits, give yourself a little extra self-care, and focus on the positive, you will be able to grow the amount of gratitude you feel in your life each day.

When you learn to have a thankful heart, you will be able to appreciate the blessings that you have rather than focusing on what you don’t have. It can also help you to have more heartfelt, genuine interactions that will strengthen your relationships with the people around you. Keep in mind that gratitude’s benefits do take time, but as you grow toward having an appreciative heart, you will begin to reap the rewards.

Woman smiling - Young Living Lavender Life Blog

30-day gratitude calendar challenge

Every day is a gift, even the difficult ones. Sometimes the difference between the two is just seeing the good! Download this calendar to help you focus on mindful moments all month long.

November Gratitude Challenge Calendar PDF - Young Living Lavender Life Blog

November 1: Take some time to identify three things you are grateful for today. Be specific and pay attention to even the smallest blessings.

November 2: Diffuse Gratitude™ essential oil blend while beginning your day with an open, uplifting mindset of appreciation.

November 3: Do an act of service for a loved one. This can be something as simple as putting their dishes away or giving them a compliment.

November 4: Gift someone your favorite YL product to show them how much you care.

November 5: Write down five things you are grateful for and why, using your senses as inspiration. For example, you could write something like, “I am grateful that I can taste fresh apples because it reminds me of the apple orchard near my childhood home.” Journal about the experience and connect the past to the present.

November 6: Go around the dinner table with your family or friends and have everyone share one thing they are grateful for this year.

Gratitude Essential Oil Blend - Young Living Essential Oils

November 7: Express gratitude to someone who has served or is currently serving in the military.

November 8: Take a photo of something you’re grateful for. To share the love, you can post the photo on social media.

November 9: Thank someone for an act of service they have done for you.

November 10: Think about an event in your life that felt negative at the time but turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

November 11: Before you get out of bed in the morning, give yourself a minute to take in a few deep breaths while you contemplate something from the previous day you are grateful for.

November 12: Do a random act of kindness for someone in need.

November 13: Volunteer or donate to your favorite charity. Any amount helps!

November 14: Bake a Vitality™-infused dessert, like baked oats, and share with a neighbor or friend.

November 15: Send a thank-you to someone who inspires you.

November 16: Go one day without complaining. If you find yourself complaining throughout the day, swap a complaint with an affirmation. For example, if you complain about the horrible traffic on your way home from work, flip your brain to see the positive in the situation. You can be thankful for the extra time to listen to a podcast or call a friend while you wait it out.

November 17: Massage your tired muscles with Dragon Time™ Massage Oil to show your body a little extra love. As you massage each muscle, say in your mind or out loud why you are grateful for that part of your body. For example, if you are massaging your legs, you can express gratitude to your legs for walking you through life.

November 18: Set aside time in your day to spend with a loved one. Focus on doing something that they love, like their favorite sport or hobby.

November 19: Give a stranger a compliment.

November 20: Make a conscious effort throughout the day to say thank you for any and all small acts of kindness others do for you.

Person writing a thank you letter - Young Living Lavender Life Blog

November 21: Repeat this mantra as you start your day: “Everything I need is within me. I am grateful for all I have and for all that I am. I am enough.”

November 22: Go for a walk and pay attention to the nature around you. We are so used to having a set destination all the time, it can be special to allow yourself to get outside without any destination or plan in mind. Simply enjoy the views, smells, and sounds of the mountains, leaves, birds, trees, and more.

November 23: Write a letter to your younger self thanking them for helping you grow into the person you are today.

November 24: Look in the mirror and say three things you are grateful for and love about yourself.

November 25: Hold the door for every person behind you today.

November 26: Journal about a life experience that has had the biggest positive impact on you.

November 27: Write a letter to someone who has changed your life for the better. Bonus point: share the letter with that person.

Ember Diffuser diffusing on a shelf next to YL essential oils - Young Living Lavender Life Blog

November 28: Diffuse 4 drops Bergamot, 2 drops Vetiver, and 2 drops Lavender as you wind down at the end of the day and think about something positive that happened today.

November 29: Clean out your closets, bookshelves, or kids toys and donate gently used items to schools or shelters.

November 30: What qualities or talents are you thankful you have? Share them with someone else today!

As you work on each of these tasks throughout the month, allow them to change your heart and your mind for good. You will begin to see the world with a more grateful, happier heart.

Looking for more ways you can elevate your mood? Try these morning mantras to kickstart your day, improve your emotional wellness and live happier days, and feel more YOU with these tips and tricks for tackling the Sunday blues!

Which of these tasks are you most excited to check off your list?

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