Happy, Heartfelt Thanksgiving

In America today, families are gathering to enjoy dinner together, with often three or more generations of family members, who will relish each other’s company and give thanks for all they have and for being together.

Our Young Living family has much to be grateful for. We continue to share the gift of health and wellness with friends and acquaintances. As more and more people learn how essential oils and supplements support and enhance health, our global presence continues to grow.

We are grateful for the dedication and enthusiasm of Young Living members who are taking our message of health and prosperity to people throughout the world.

I have always believed that a grateful person is a happy person—that challenges and setbacks are just opportunities to grow! Wherever you are, whether this day is a holiday to you or not, take the time to give thanks to your Maker for all that you are and have.

May you continue your success in sharing Young Living with the world!

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Happy, Heartfelt Thanksgiving from us to all of you!