Legacy Gary Member Stories – A Big Heart

Since Gary Young’s passing, we have put a lot of thought into how to continue the D. Gary Young blog. We wanted to foster a stalwart commitment to Gary’s legacy, so we asked members to think of a fond memory of their time working with him on projects, on travels, at one of the farms, or in another setting to share those memories with you.

Here’s one such memory from Kayla L.:

I met Gary in the Spring of 2015 at Silver Retreat. I was amazed at the way Young Living lavished love and praise on us leaders. I have never had another company treat me this way.

Gary prayed the most heartfelt prayer over us at the farm, and he got choked up, as he did every time he talked because he had a BIG heart. He prayed that we leaders would have vision and be able to dream and would love and care deeply for our members. He said that we were all Royal Crown Diamonds in his eyes and stayed around for hours to allow each leader to take a picture with him and Mary. They treated us like family!

I will never forget my Silver Retreat experience. It was there that I fell in love with Gary Young and the company even more. Each convention rekindles that love, and 2018’s convention was not the same without him there. He is deeply missed!