Legacy Gary Member Stories – Flip Flops in Ecuador

Since Gary Young’s passing, we have put a lot of thought into how to continue the D. Gary Young blog. We wanted to foster a stalwart commitment to Gary’s legacy, so we asked members to think of a fond memory of their time working with him on projects, on travels, at one of the farms, or in another setting to share those memories with you.

Here is another memory from Pamela H.:

This is in Ecuador, 2012, at my favorite Young Living Farm, with Gary Young, touring the lands. We were picking and distilling Ylang Ylang and leading a prayer circle in the Palo Santo fields that day. It’s always a fabulous day on a Young Living farm!

He would give me trouble about my flip flops but then smile when I would walk barefoot in the fields to feel the energy. I would tell him: “You can keep smiling and laughing at my flip flops on the farm, and you can put shoes on the yogi, but not ones that tie or cover her toes!”

I have visited Ecuador many times. Every time I’ve been there with new members, I tell them to take off their shoes and feel the energy.

We will miss you, Gary, but your spirit is always with us.