No One Else Has Lived Gary’s Story

GARY: There is another reason no one can compete with Young Living, and that is because we have a Janay, a Matt, a Jared, a Mike, a Lyndi, a Brittani, a Kelly, a Mark, and many others. Nobody can compete with us!

Not only do we have something to believe in, but we also have something to be proud of as we build our business. We have something to share with the world, and the world needs us. That’s why good leadership is so important. Walk your talk. Be prudent and humble, and acknowledge who you are and your own accomplishments.

blogpic 080317 seed2sealcoverMARY: May I just say one little thing?

GARY: Please do.

MARY: Is there anybody here who does not have a copy of our new Seed to Seal book? You know what I’m talking about: D. Gary Young, The World Leader in Essential Oils.

GARY: Yes, there are a few hands.

MARY: This is the best book you can have in your possession because it is the full story. It is Gary’s legacy—the story of Young Living, the story of the farms—and it is absolutely 100 percent true. There are no made-up stories; there’s nothing in there to embellish it. It’s exactly as it is. It’s just unfortunate we couldn’t include more. So if you want to know what Young Living’s all about, how we started, who Gary is, you want this book. Many of the book’s 700 photos were never seen before. This book will be a great building tool and will make building your business simple and easy.

GARY: Thank you, honey.