Quick clean: How to refresh your bathroom with essential oils

Quick clean: How to refresh your bathroom with essential oils - Young Living Lavender Life Blog

Looking for ways to freshen up your bathroom in a time crunch? Essential oils are the ultimate tool for quickly giving your bathroom a deep-cleaned feel. You can diffuse them, spray them, and even use them in your trash can! Keep reading for some of our favorite bathroom cleaning tips, tricks, and ways to prevent bad odors from taking over.

How to refresh your bathroom with essential oils

We understand that you don’t always have time to deep clean your bathroom. Maybe you’ve been laboring away all day making dinner and you’ve got only half an hour left to tidy up the bathroom before your guests arrive. Maybe you’re simply worn out from a long day at work and need to take a bath to recover, but the bathroom isn’t exactly inviting in its current state. Whatever your situation, we’ve got the tips and tricks to help you keep your bathroom fresh, even when you’re short on time.

Scrub brush, lemon, and baking soda sitting on cloth - Young Living Lavender Life Blog
  • Make your own DIY Thieves® cleaning fizzies for quick and easy bathroom cleanup. When your bathroom needs a quick clean, throw a fizzy tablet into the toilet, bath, or sink. Allow it to sit for 20–30 minutes to fizz and dissolve—using this wait time to wipe down the other surfaces in the bathroom. Once dissolved, flush or rinse.
  • Create a simple bathroom toilet spray. Spritz this toilet spray inside the bowl before using the toilet. Have it on hand in the bathroom at all times so you can keep those bad odors at bay and flush them away.
  • Place a cotton ball with a few drops of your favorite essential oil on it at the bottom of your trash can before adding in your liner. This will release a fresh scent into the room.
  • Add 2–3 drops of a fresh essential oil like Lemon to the inside cardboard portion of your toilet paper roll to disperse a pleasant aroma.
  • Get rid of the time-consuming hassle of using multiple surface cleaners for the different areas of your bathroom. Use our versatile Thieves Household Cleaner for all of your cleaning needs.
  • Wet your bathtub/shower and bathroom sink. Sprinkle our Thieves Kitchen & Bath Scrub, use a brush or sponge to quickly scrub the dirt and grime away, and then rinse. You’ll be left with sparkly clean surfaces that look like you spent a long time cleaning.
  • Use Thieves Spray to quickly wipe surfaces such as light switches and doorknobs. Spritz it on doors or walls to add a rich, spicy scent to your surroundings.

YL tip: No need to try all of these scent-filled tips at once—you’d end up with an overwhelming blend of scents. Instead, experiment to figure out the tips that work best for your space and for your personal quick-clean routine.

Thieves Household Cleaner sitting on a linen cloth next to botanicals, a lemon, cloves, and a cinnamon stick - Young Living Lavender Life Blog

Bathroom diffuser blends

Keep a diffuser in your bathroom to welcome fresh, natural scents into your space. Try out some of these diffuser blends to create your clean and crisp environment.

Crisp Citrus

The sweet, lively citrus aromas of Orange and Lime mixed with the crisp and invigorating scent of Peppermint create an uplifting, refreshing environment.

Crisp Citrus diffuser blend - Young Living Lavender Life Blog

Tranquil Hot Springs

Grapefruit has a fresh, vibrant scent that neutralizes unwanted odors and creates a fresh atmosphere in your space. When combined with the bold aromas of Eucalyptus Globulus and Rosemary, it creates a blend that delivers a soothing, spa-like experience.

Tranquil Hot Springs diffuser blend - Young Living Lavender Life Blog


Create a luxurious, relaxing environment with citrusy Bergamot, romantic Ylang Ylang, and fresh Lemongrass. This combination is also great for neutralizing unwanted odors in your bathroom.

Opulence diffuser blend - Young Living Lavender Life blog

How to prevent bad odors

To avoid unwanted odors in the bathroom, it’s important to tackle them at the source and stop them before they start. Follow these simple tips for overall upkeep and to help make bathroom refreshing less of a time-consuming task:

  • Switch out hand towels every 2–3 days. Your hand towels are a heavy traffic item in your bathroom. They are used frequently and are likely drying hands that aren’t completely clean. When your towels are constantly damp from slick hands, they may begin to smell. Prevent this by switching them out often. Shower towels should be switched out often as well—every 3−4 days to prevent a mildewy smell.
  • Clean your shower drain often. Most of us, especially those with long hair, have likely experienced the panic when the shower/bathtub won’t drain. Once the water finally goes down, it leaves the bottom of the tub grimy and dirty and leaves you with more of a mess to clean up. On top of that, the drain may begin to smell bad. Prevent this by keeping on top of cleaning the hair and other gunk out of your drain often. Get a drain protector for an even easier cleanup!
Bathroom vanity with Thieves hand soap, toothpaste, mouth wash, and floss - Young Living Lavender Life Blog
  • Take the trash out weekly or as needed. Stop bad odors from overtaking your bathroom by frequently taking the garbage out. Occasionally wipe out the bin with Thieves® Household Cleaner to enhance the fresh smell and clean away any messes that may be trapped.
  • Wipe the floor often, especially near the toilet. The area around the toilet tends to be a breeding ground for bad odors and messes. Spray some cleaner on a rag to cleanse this area once a week to prevent the typical bathroom smell that we all know so well.

These simple steps are essential in the upkeep of your bathroom and can be the difference between spending 30 minutes quickly refreshing the room or spending hours scrubbing away.

Now that your bathroom is sparkling clean, let us help you with cleaning the rest of the house. If you’re looking for more ways to run your household the natural way, try these tips to make the switch away from synthetics!

Which refreshing tip are you most excited to try?

The post Quick clean: How to refresh your bathroom with essential oils appeared first on Young Living Blog.