Sage essential oil: From sacred herb to precious oil

Sage essential oil: From sacred herb to precious oil - Young Living Lavender Life Blog

Let’s talk Sage. Sage essential oil has a long history, from its use in common and fine cuisine around the world to its use as a sacred herb by the ancient Romans. While you’re probably not too worried about having to deal with bad vibes from ancient Romans in your home, we’re certain that Sage has something to offer you in your modern life. Let’s talk about what Sage essential oil is, how it’s used in wellness, and what it can do for you in the kitchen.

What is the difference between Sage and Clary Sage?

Sage is sometimes referred to as common sage, not to be confused with clary sage. Sage (Salvia officinalis) is a different species of plant than clary sage (Salvia sclarea). Sage essential oil emits a strong, spicy, and uplifting aroma when diffused and has been used traditionally for its clarifying properties. Clary Sage essential oil has an herbaceous aroma that is believed to create a calm and relaxing environment. Keep this difference in mind when choosing between the two. Sage and Clary Sage create very different scent environments when diffused.

Sage (Salvia officinalis) Plant - Young Living Lavender Life Blog

Plant description

But what about the plants before they’re harvested? Sage is a perennial herb that can grow 1─2 feet tall with silvery-green leaves and a velvety appearance. Even if you’ve never seen sage in person before, you’re probably familiar with some of its cousins in the mint family.

Sage benefits

Once it’s distilled, what can Sage do for you?

  • Sage cleanses the skin when diluted and applied topically.
  • It encourages a positive atmosphere when diffused.
  • Sage creates a relaxed and focused environment with its calming aroma.
  • It freshens the air and eliminates pesky odors when diffused.
Sage Essential Oil - Young Living Essential Oils

Sage uses

Obviously there’s a lot that Sage can offer. But how do you unlock its full potential?

  • Sage’s soothing and uplifting properties make it a must after an overwhelming day. Combine Sage with Relaxation™ or Dragon Time™ massage oils and apply it to your neck and shoulders for a comforting massage.
  • Make your own massage oil for your feet using V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex and a couple drops of Sage and Lavender. Rub the tension away and breathe in the sweet, warming aromatherapy.
  • Diffuse Sage while you practice yoga, meditate, journal, or any time you would like to invite peace into your day.
  • For a stimulating and clarifying boost, diffuse a blend of Sage, Pine, and Peppermint while you read or work.
Sage Vitality Essential Oil - Young Living Essential Oils

Sage Vitality recipes

Sage Vitality™ essential oil is a powerful ingredient that can add a robust herbal dimension to your dishes to give them complexity and depth. Add a few drops to savory dishes, poultry seasonings, soups, sauces, and more to unlock the potential of these dishes. If you’re not sure where to start, try one of our Sage Vitality-infused recipes.

Sage seasoning salt

If you’re new to Sage Vitality, try this simple seasoning to bring your cuisine to new heights. When combined, these simple ingredients will take your cooking from novice to master chef.

Add salt, pepper, and dried sage to a blender or food processor and blitz until finely ground. Add Sage Vitality and Rosemary Vitality and blend for 5─10 seconds. This seasoning salt can be used for almost any dish. Start with homemade salad dressings, meat marinades or rubs, roasted vegetables, anything on the grill, or soups and salads.

For more essential oil-infused sea salt recipes, read this blog post.

Rosemary Vitality & Seasoning Salt - Young Living Essential Oils

Sage Vitality-infused cooking oil

You don’t have to settle for plain oils and marinades. Infuse olive oil with Sage Vitality to make simple dishes special. Use this cooking oil for drizzling over salads, marinating meats or veggies, dipping bread, topping homemade pizzas, or making homemade French fries. Simply combine the following ingredients:

Read this blog post for more Vitality oil-infused olive oil recipes.

Now that you know a little more about Sage, we hope your home and kitchen will feel invigorated, refreshed, and filled with flavor.

YL tip: Sage essential oil is one of the stronger oils we offer. It should not be ingested in large amounts or by children.

YL products with Sage

Want to reap the benefits of Sage but don’t have the oil yet? You can find Sage essential oil in many of our Young Living products, including:

Now that you’ve gotten to know Sage, try it out and see what it can do for you!

We talked about Sage, but what about Clary Sage? Learn more in our blog post, Clary Sage essential oil: Your new secret weapon.

Endoflex Essential Oil Blend - Young Living Essential Oils

How do you like to use Sage essential oil?

The post Sage essential oil: From sacred herb to precious oil appeared first on Young Living Blog.