Simple self-care with essential oils

Simple self care with Young Living essential oils - The Lavender life blog

While we love long, relaxing bubble baths, facials, and at-home spa days for self-care, you don’t always have time to treat yourself like the royalty you are. Great news: These simple essential oil ideas can be tucked into your day for a pearl of self-care during a busy week. Try to schedule a few minutes of each activity so you can nourish your body, mind, and spirit a little each day. Soon you’ll be flourishing!

Screen freedom

Clear your mind from meaningless scrolling by cutting out some screen time. Give your phone (and yourself!) a break by exchanging 15 minutes of social media time with journaling or meditation. Diffuse Motivation™ essential oil blend or try one of these blends for empowerment while you unplug and find a moment of freedom from the news cycle.

Motivation Essential Oil Blend - Young Living Essential Oils

Get outside

Fresh air, sunshine, and the chance to see cute wildlife are all good reasons to spend time in nature. Get the benefits of the outdoors by giving yourself a few minutes of outside time each day for some easy, breezy self-care. Whether it’s going for a walk, eating breakfast on the patio, or playing tag with your kids, you won’t regret your time spent in the sunshine!

Love the outdoors? Grab some Citronella essential oil to keep annoyances away.

Simple self care with Young Living essential oils - The Lavender life blog

Build yourself up

Create your own motivation toolkit! Be your own best motivator with a pump-up playlist and go-to essential oil. We love Peppermint essential oil for a pick-me-up scent or Highest Potential™ essential oil blend for an inspiring aroma.

Give grace

Show yourself some grace when things don’t go the way you want. Life can be unexpected, and we may not always live up to our own expectations. After a less-then-stellar day, give yourself some self- care by being gentle with yourself. Check out this list for all the ways you can give yourself grace every day.

Young Living essential oil blends - Motivation, Acceptance, Envision, Valor

Bring the attitude

Create a gratitude journal to develop a positive attitude. Studies have shown that listing three good things that happened at the end of each day can decrease feelings of burnout. At bedtime, diffuse Lavender essential oil or swipe on some Tranquil™ Roll-On and write down three things you’re grateful for and fall asleep on a high note.

Spa it up

Make your own sugar scrub. A quick and easy DIY that can turn an evening bath into a dreamy soak is just what you need after a long day. The best part is that scrubs are easy to make and customize, so you can make it your way!

  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 cup turbinado sugar
  • ¼ cup cornstarch
  • ¼ cup coconut oil

Mix all ingredients together in a resealable bag and add 12–15 drops of your favorite essential oil or two. Store in a small mason jar and use on rough skin whenever you need it.

YL tip: When it comes to body scrubs and bath bombs, we love the soothing scents of Cedarwood or Ylang Ylang essential oils. If you really want to indulge, we recommend a little Rose.

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil - young living essential oils

Looking for more self-care ideas? Learn about the benefits of Neroli oil or get inspired with some tips for resetting on Sundays.

Which tip will you use to relax?

The post Simple self-care with essential oils appeared first on Young Living Blog.