Snug as a bug: Essential oils for when your kids go to sleep

Snug as a bug: Essential oils for when your kids go to sleep - Young Living Lavender Life Blog

Getting children ready for bed can seem like a rodeo that never ends: Kids asking for one more snack, two more songs, and three middle-of-the-night wake ups make it all a little chaotic. Don’t worry, we’ve got your secret weapon for nighttime battles: essential oils! Use these essential oil tips and tricks to help your little ones (and big ones) get just as excited about bedtime as you are.

While we love essential oils, they aren’t magically going to transform your nighttime rascal into a sleepy angel. Bedtime routines, consistent sleep times, and a good environment (dark, cool, quiet) are the first steps in helping children sleep well.

Prep the bedroom

All the ups and downs of life can make it tricky for kids to fall asleep and stay asleep. Try to create a pleasant, peaceful environment in your children’s bedrooms as they prepare to sleep.

YL tip: Use any of the oils below to create your own monster spray recipe that is sure to banish monsters and help kids wind down.

Take a calming bath

Nothing says soothing like a warm soak. Add essential oils to your children’s bath while you pray they start to wind down. Lavender, Cedarwood, Peace & Calming®, Roman Chamomile, and Rose are a few of our favorites.

Mother holding Seelings Calm Essential Oil Blend & KidScents SleepyIze - Young Living Essential Oils

Make some bath drops

If you’re looking to dilute your oils and create a bath blend that’s irresistible, whip up some bath drops.

  • 15 drops Sacred Sandalwood
  • 10 drops Lavender
  • 3 drops Cedarwood
  • Carrier oil of your choice

YL tip: Add a few drops of KidScents SleepyIze to your child’s lotion after bathtime for an extra soothing experience.

Mom & son smelling essential oil roller bottle - Young Living Essential Oils

Roll your way to sleep

Make incorporating essential oils into your children’s sleep routine as easy as bedtime never is.

In a glass roller ball, combine 10 drops of each oil and fill the rest of the way with a carrier oil:

Roll on the bottoms of children’s feet, behind their ears, or even on their spine.

YL tip: Don’t have a roller ball? Diffuse 2−3 drops of each oil instead to create an appealing aroma.

Diffuse for dreamy sleep

When all else fails, put Feather on the case. Add these diffuser blends to the diffuser on your kid’s nightstand and watch them smile as they breathe in the sweet scents.

Sleepytime Superstar

If you need a blend that smells exactly like the perfect night’s sleep, mix sweet Cedarwood, bright Bergamot, and lovely Lavender.

2 drops Cedarwood
3 drops Bergamot
4 drops Lavender

Winddown Wonder

If your kiddos are still running around at a million miles an hour, blend nighttime champion Neroli, luscious Lavender, and refreshing Roman Chamomile.

2 drops Neroli
3 drops Lavender
3 drops Roman Chamomile

Child with Feather the Owl Diffuser - Young Living Essential Oils

Bedtime’s Best Friend

If you’re looking for the perfect accompaniment to Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, combine precious Rose, balmy Frankincense, and sweet, sweet Lavender.

1 drop Rose
4 drops Frankincense
4 drops Lavender

Desperate for more bedtime tips? Find seven tricks to try and a quiz that recommends a blend based on your routine!

What will you try first with your littles?

Tell us in the comments below.

The post Snug as a bug: Essential oils for when your kids go to sleep appeared first on Young Living Blog.