Take a Risk, Get Out of Your Rut!

Gary with oil 36126194606_8a1ad138e1_kWe can always find excuses and reasons to give up and quit. It’s easy to stay in a rut, struggling through life, paying bills, and supporting and raising a family. It’s easy to remain in the status quo of mediocrity.

Be willing to take the path less traveled. Be willing to change.

How many here tonight are ready to change? Thank you. This adventure changed my life. It was one of the highlights in my life, not so much the activity as it was the lessons that I learned from it and the opportunity to develop a relationship with some beautiful animals. Be willing to take a risk.

Gary On Stage Friday Fulfill 0067 edit1

How many of you are willing to take a risk tonight? Are you ready to change your paradigm? Are you ready for success? Well, stand up and let’s see it! All right. Thank you, thank you, thank you. God bless you. We love you!

I would like to acknowledge all our leaders who are here with us tonight. We also have some backstage, some officiating at the Expo, and lots of others helping in so many ways.

I express my love to every one of my employees worldwide. We’ve got so many here from our offices outside the U.S. I’m so proud of them, and I hope and pray that you’re as proud of them as I am. You can believe in them, as I believe in them, because we are in a new paradigm in Young Living, and we’re going for the next billion dollars!


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