The First Steam


This picture is of the first steam that came out of the distiller. That’s my uncle Jack standing, who managed the St. Maries ranch for a year and a half while I was building and growing there and at the same time getting started and building in Utah. I was so excited when that steam came out that they said they could hear me screaming clear to Utah. I was so excited.

Mary thought the aesthetic look of the distillery was wanting, so on went the paint. Even Gary loved the beautification, although it didn’t help produce any more oil.

Mary thought the aesthetic look of the distillery was wanting, so on went the paint. Even Gary loved it, although it didn’t help produce any more oil.

To this day when I fire a new distillery, like in Croatia, and the steam comes out, I’m just as excited as on this day, because I know that it’s giving life to all of you around the world.

Then that little lady who was standing in the picture I showed you came along and says, “Gary, it looks really terrible. You need to upgrade it. So she went to town and bought paint and brushes, and she’s the one who painted the distillery, and it was beautiful.

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This is the St. Maries distillery today. Many of you have been there. Raise your hands if you’ve been there. Yes!