The Genesis of ComforTone™

At the very beginning of Young Living Essential Oils, the labels were handwritten and put on with tape and glue sticks! This second version of labels had a little more style.

At the very beginning of Young Living Essential Oils, the labels were handwritten and put on with tape and glue sticks! This second version of labels had a little more style.

Many of you have seen some of my clients that I have helped over the years. This was my apothecary in the clinic. We would take the clients on field trips on weekends and go into the fields and the desert and gather herbs and bring them back. Here we made VitaGreen (now called MultiGreens™), ComforTone®, ICP™, and Thyromin™. This is where your products all began.

Unfortunately, I don’t have pictures of the original labels. This was the second rendition of labels. The first ones were handwritten and put on with Scotch™ tape and glue sticks. Now the reason I went to Scotch tape is because when we would ship products to Nancy and Eldon Knittle in Dallas, Texas, the heat would melt the glue; and they’d take the bottle out of the box, and it wouldn’t have a label on it. So we had to start putting Scotch tape around the label to make it hold the glue. Now that’s where it began.

Many miracles took place from 1982 to 1989 in the Rosarito Beach clinic, and it was a tremendous foundation and a beginning that was the creation for the foundation of what Young Living is today. This is where so much research went in to developing the products and the oil blends. In 1986 I made R.C. Then I started experimenting using oils with the Vita Flex technique. How many of you use the oils with Vita Flex today? Whoo, yes; and it’s just the beginning.