The Person You Really Need is YOU!

GARY: It’s also really, really important to understand this: you don’t need anyone else in order to succeed.

MARY: That’s true! Knowing who you are is the greatest power you have in your life. Take your power back and start to grow!

GARY: Here’s what’s really important in what Mary just said. Everybody has to start the same. I have not yet seen a child born who just shot out of the womb and stood up and started walking. Many of you are the same. You were introduced to Young Living, and now you’re just trying to catch your breath because you’re in overwhelm, right? That’s good.

So what’s the most important thing to do if you ever feel stuck? You start preparing. I use this simple analogy: I love Mother Earth because she birthed us, she gave us life that continues every day. So you need to start preparing how you’re going to build, but what does it mean to prepare to build?

I’d like to share with you on another level. How many of you, when you joined Young Living, had people around you say, “That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard”? “Essential oils? Sounds like snake oil to me.” “You mean you’re joining that voodoo company? What are they, a bunch of witch doctors?” I’ve heard it all, and you probably have too.

If you’re going to build, you must clear your landing strip and your building site. When we were building the distillery in Fort Nelson, we had to dig down 12 feet to get below the frost level of 10 feet before we could start laying the foundation to start up. It was so critical.

So you have to know where the frost level is in your terra firma [solid earth]; and by that I mean, what is the frost level of your ancestral DNA? What is the frost level programing of your life that you must dig below and eradicate? Whatever is negative, remove it so you can start putting in a solid foundation and building upwards. That’s what I mean when I say, prepare to build. It is so important to your success.

Building the distillery at the Northern Lights Farm in Fort Nelson, BC, Canada.