What Does Gary Young’s Quest for Pure Sacred Frankincense Mean for You?

If you’ve ever listened to Gary speak, read any of his or Mary’s books, or read any blog posts on DGaryYoung.com or on Young Living’s blog, you know how arduously Gary sought the holiest and purest frankincense: Boswellia sacra. This was the most sacred of all species of frankincense, the one that is reputed to have been given to the Christ child at his birth. Gary would settle for nothing less than finding it in the place it was originally located thousands of years ago: the country of Oman. He then built a distillery in partnership with Dr. Mahmoud Suhail and distilled this highly prized resin in order to share the gift of this precious Sacred Frankincense™ essential oil. Why is that so important for you? How can pure Sacred Frankincense essential oil help you, especially as we approach the Christmas season?

The infographic below summarizes Gary’s frankincense trail, as described on this site, in D. Gary Young: The World Leader in Essential Oils, on YoungLiving.com/blog, and in his book The One Gift. Below that, see what Gary’s journey means to you in the list of benefits Sacred Frankincense provides.

What can you do with the powerful, grounding, aroma of Sacred Frankincense during the month of Thanksgiving, the month in which we prepare to express our gratitude for the blessings of life we receive? Here are a few ideas:

  • Volunteer at your local food bank to feed people who would otherwise go hungry on Thanksgiving Day. Tip: Schedule in advance. Diffuse Sacred Frankincense in the car on the way there, using a Young Living car vent diffuser.
  • Sign up for a 5k, half marathon, or fun run on Thanksgiving morning. Apply 2-4 drops to your wrists, so you can grow your gratitude while you run.
  • Have your Thanksgiving guests write the things they’re thankful for on a craft- or butcher-paper tablecloth while you diffuse Sacred Frankincense. Consider Instagramming the results!

What’s your favorite way to use Sacred Frankincense? Let us know in the comments below!