9 essential oils for a great school year

Summer is coming to a close, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to end! We have the perfect promotion to lift your spirits with some back-to-school shopping. August’s PV promotion has everything you need to transition from sun and swimming to books and backpacks, including Citrus Fresh™, Lemon Vitality™, …

What Do I Need to Do?

GARY: Ask yourself, “What stops me from building a business?” This is the most important question. What is stopping me from being a Royal Crown Diamond? Is it a fear of being successful? I don’t know how to change my paradigm? Do I need to change my belief system or …

Ep34: Your New Favorite Mineral-Based Makeup

Click Here to listen!     Tired of feeling like you can’t trust the makeup you apply to your skin every morning? Melissa Poepping certainly felt that way. On this episode of Drop of Inspiration, we’re speaking with Melissa, who started her own mineral makeup line and then sold the …

Powered by oils: Own your day the Young Living way

From sunup to sundown you go, go, go. Between working, keeping your family life in order, and trying to eke out a little time for yourself, it’s a wonder that there are enough hours in the day. Fortunately, with some healthy tweaks, you’ll have everything you need to help fuel …

No One Else Has Lived Gary’s Story

GARY: There is another reason no one can compete with Young Living, and that is because we have a Janay, a Matt, a Jared, a Mike, a Lyndi, a Brittani, a Kelly, a Mark, and many others. Nobody can compete with us! Not only do we have something to believe …