Take a Risk, Get Out of Your Rut!

We can always find excuses and reasons to give up and quit. It’s easy to stay in a rut, struggling through life, paying bills, and supporting and raising a family. It’s easy to remain in the status quo of mediocrity. Be willing to take the path less traveled. Be willing …

Support Your People!

Experiencing failure and pain is the price we pay for character. Yes, my hands were frozen from frostbite. Just part of the learning experience. Was that a reason to quit? No, it wasn’t a reason to quit. This is coming across Willow Lake toward the finishing line. Oh, what another …

Take Time to Sharpen Your Saw

To be successful, we need quiet time. We need to disconnect from the world. This is where I disconnected because I needed to get my mind straight. I needed to get my mind off all the problems and all the people telling me I was going to die, this wouldn’t …

When It’s Quiet, You Can Think!

Arriving at the Deshka Landing check point Sunday evening, 6:30 p.m., February 5. As I came around the corner, there was Josef. Whoa, man, all of those problems, all of those bad thoughts just vanished. Josef was there, Mary, Janae, Matt, Lori, Mark, the film crew. What a rewarding feeling …

Take Care of Your People!

And this is what I told myself. I said, “Gary, you’re going to do this! You’re not quitting. Because if you die, you’ll still be an example to your boys that you don’t quit just because it gets difficult. You just don’t quit.” So when life knocks you down, roll …

You Don’t Quit!

Yes, in those times your head will play games with you, and it will convince you to quit. It will give you every reason to quit. I even entertained those ideas, and you can entertain them if you know who you are. I was standing on those runners going across …

The Timely High Five!

Now, you will have interruptions. So, I’m there; it was 17°F below that morning, and I was cold. I’d been on the trail for almost six days altogether, and I was tired. My bones were frozen, my bones were aching. My heart was doing things it shouldn’t do. I was …

Face the Unknown and Just Do It!

Mushing into the unknown. Another thing that I learned. How many of you have felt like you’ve gone into the unknown with Young Living? The difference between your mushing into Young Living and where I was mushing is that there was nobody in front of me, and there was nobody …

To Be Successful, Keep on Going!

 You know, you don’t just lie down because you accomplish something. You don’t lie down because you’re tired. You keep going. If you want to be successful, you keep going. Here I am at the mushers meeting for the second race, the Willow 300, February 3; and here are my …

The Joy of Accomplishment!

This is coming in—the joy of accomplishment. You’ve all felt this joy, true or false? Yes! Three days and nights out on the trail, when we had temperatures down to 10-14°F below zero. It was chilly. And then there was the wind chill factor that went along with that. There’s …