An Overwhelming Farewell

Gary and Jacob are honored for helping the people of Yarsa rebuild their homes and their lives. GARY: This was the day that Jacob and I were leaving to come home. But something unexpected happened. JACOB: We started to leave, and the entire village, all 500 people, started to walk …

Just One More Thing

GARY: I must say one more thing. Jacob, while we were in Yarsa, I gave you an assignment. What was it? JACOB: My dad gave me the task to go pick cinnamon bark leaves and wintergreen plants. When we went to pick the wintergreen, I actually found a new plant …

The YL Foundation Lays a Home Foundation

GARY: This is our first foundation laid for the first home. It was really interesting because the villagers came to me and said, “Mr. Young, you really are not a foundation, are you?” Gary and Jacob buy a cement mixer for the 5 percent cement used to make bricks. I …

Rebuilding the School in Yarsa, Nepal

GARY: What was I doing here, Son? JACOB: You were clearing the remains of the old school. GARY: The old school completely imploded, and removing all of the rocks was a big job. I stood on the remains, part of the foundation of the school, with all the rocks that …

Gary’s Brick Factory in Nepal

Gary’s Brick Factory in Nepal GARY: This is the brick factory and the tarp we put up, so we could work during the rain and keep everything going. And these are the bricks. This is the same system I have on the farm in Ecuador, except it’s a more modern …

Gary’s Yarsa Motel

The kitchen area of Gary’s Yarsa Motel complex for the Foundation workers and crew. GARY: What was this, Son? JACOB: Oh, that’s the kitchen. GARY: Yes, it’s the kitchen where we prepared our meals. But it was quite modern. We fixed it up pretty nice, didn’t we? JACOB: Yes—and we …

Living Conditions

Yarsa woman preparing food on her clay stoves. GARY: This picture shows the typical conditions inside the houses they are living in. If you look on the right side, you can see kind of a mud/clay stove, and that’s exactly what it is. That’s what they cook on and that’s …