Take a Risk for Success!

http://www.dgaryyoung.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Snowmobile_Trimmed-1.mp4 That’s Jacob. It’s all airborne! We love playing but there’s a risk in playing. But you know what, the spectators right here were taking a bigger risk. That was Mary right there in that snowmobile. She was more scared than I was. Yes, you take risks in many ways. …

Risks Involve Choice

 So, yes, you have a choice. You can quit right there because it hurt a little bit, or you can forget the hurt and get on with having fun and being happy. Right? This was another moment that produced a little bit of pain. It resulted in a broken back. …

Dare to Change Your Paradigm!

Next, do research about your idea. For example, if you’re looking at being a Silver or a Platinum, research and learn all you can about the aspects of being that person and what it takes to get there. Study your business; study the market. Look at the pitfalls. Look at …

Dream to Overcome Negativity

Capture an idea and dream about it. Now, this is where you can start taking control of your negative thoughts and emotions. This is where I would go when I would start feeling like giving up, because I had all these doctors telling me it was impossible. We had three …

Give Yourself Permission to Have a Hard Day

There may be some days that you just don’t find a way to deal with “it”; and on those days, you just take it all in and say, “Okay, I’m not really at the top of my game today, but I’m going to get through this; and tomorrow will be …

Defying the Death Sentence

Today, June 16, 2017, is a very special day for me in so many ways, because on November 15, 2016, I was told that I would be lucky if I lived 6 months. So, when I made it past six months, I turned over to Mary that morning and said, …

We Can Fulfill Our Destiny!

I appreciated so much Shawn Achor talking about happiness and how happiness can be found in many different forms, shapes, and places. Happiness can come out of pain. Happiness can come out of suffering. In suffering and pain, we can see happiness if we choose to. I would like everyone …

The Spirit of Young Living Award, Part II

Donna Riley presented with the Spirit of Young Living award, Convention 2017. Gary: Donna, we present you with this beautiful Spirit of Young Living Award for your dedicated service and all the years that you’ve put up with me and been part of Young Living. Donna Riley accepts the Spirit …

The Spirit of Young Living Award, Part I

Donna Riley at the 1999 Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. The next thing that I’d like to share with you is the Spirit of Young Living Award. We have selected a person I have known for over 30 years, who has been a Diamond in my eye from the …

A Skyrider Wilderness Ranch for the Ladies

Okay, one more thing. I have been inundated with requests, and I can’t believe this is real; so I need a show of hands—how many of you women would like to have a Women’s Camp? Holy smokes! I thought there might be just 5 or 6 of you! Okay, next …